Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Past Indefinite tense

past Indefinite tense

  • जिस वाक्य के अंत में या , यी , ये  आदि शब्द आते है उसे past indefinite tense कह्ते है 
  • Past Indefinite is used to talk about the list of action which was started in the past and was also finished in the past but there is no result in the present

Rule 1 _ Question and Negative sentence(i, we you, they or plural, he, she, it or singular) के साथ helping verb ("did")के साथ verb first form प्रयोग किआ जाता है/
Rule 2 _ (Positive sentence) के साथ verb 2nd  form प्रयोग किआ जाता है/
(I,we,you,they or plural)(he,she,it or sigular)
Did you + actv1?Did he + actv1?
I + actv2He + actv2
I did not + actv1.He did not + act v1.
Has/have + object + been + act v3?
Object + has/have been + act v3
Object + has/have + not +been+ act v3
(List of action)

1 _ Enable the option.
2 _ Encourage anyone.
3 _ Calculate the number.
4 _ Modify bike.
5_ Record voice.

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